We simplify it for you.
Startups have the potential to yield extremely high investment returns.
We filter them through our data-driven scoring system and recommend the best deals to you.
Investing should never be done alone.
We introduce you to other investors in the network who you can connect with, share experiences, and build long-lasting friendships.
We provide extensive support with your investments, ranging from deal evaluation, structuring, paperwork, consult, and even portfolio management. Everything you need to invest effectively in companies.
We provide support to sell your shares in companies you've invested in via our platform by connecting you to other potential investors in the network who might be interested.
We handle the tedious parts.
We help you screen through and evaluate deals to ensure they are of the highest quality. Deals are evaluated through our proprietary scoring system too.
Save over $10k+ on legal fees. When you're ready to make an investment, we will assist with structuring the entire deal for you. This goes from term sheets to legal contracts and paperwork.
The hardest part after investing is growing your portfolio of companies. We provide extensive support to help them grow, as well as regular reports to keep you updated.
We provide on-going consult and support for your learning to ensure you gain a deeper understanding about angel investing.
Lifetime membership for investors
Let us clear your doubts.