Callbox Sales and Marketing Solutions
Founded in 2004, Callbox is the largest provider of Multi-Touch Multi-Channel Marketing solutions for businesses and organizations worldwide. Its core competencies include Lead Generation, Appointment Setting, Lead Nurturing and Database Services, delivered through its proprietary marketing automation platform, the Callbox Pipeline.
Callbox enables companies to gain a foothold in their priority markets by initiating conversations with prospects through the efficient and intelligent use of targeted touchpoints over six channels: voice, email, social, web, SMS and postal mail.
We are a community of passionate technology specialists keenly observing the new trends in the mobility domain. We take pride in sharing the knowledge and conduct events which will benefit people who like to keep updated with the moving trends in mobility domain. MobConf is such a platform where we get together to discuss and share our thoughts on the emerging scope of mobile application development by converging different technologies, there by making our daily life easy.