ReQtest is a cloud-based requirement, test management and bug tracking tool with customers in more than 20 countries throughout the world. With more than 11 000 users, our tool is used for managing your software development and implementation processes, from requirement to bug free software.
The Hunger Project is committed to ending hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.
Our vision: a world where every woman, man and child leads a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.
We know it’s possible for hunger to end, and that our generation has the power to end it once and for all. In our experience, people who live in hunger are not the problem – they are the solution. We don’t see a billion mouths to feed, we see a billion human beings who are enterprising and resilient. The work, therefore, is to unlock their capacity, creativity and leadership so they can end their own hunger. That’s what we do.
How to get a job that’s right for you
Hire Me Now is the key to your next career! Searching for a new job is hard work, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
By far the most important thing you can do in your job search is to carefully evaluate each job you’re applying for. When you find a posting you like, ask yourself if it’s a job you’re qualified for and actually want to do.
Contact us for an hiring event coming to your city: or call 800-525-0513
Asosiasi Game Indonesia (AGI) merupakan wadah komunikasi dan pengembangan industry game di Indonesia.
Perkembangan industri game di Indonesia yang cukup pesat akan memberikan dampak positive dan juga negative di masa yang akan datang. Dengan adanya AGI maka seluruh pengusaha industri game akan berkumpul untuk menata dan mengatasi masalah yang akan dihadapi bersama-sama serta meningkatkan pengembangan industri game dimasa depan.