U.S. Immigration Fund
U.S. Immigration Fund
U.S. Immigration Fund (USIF) is America’s leading EB-5 Regional Center operator with world-renowned investment opportunities from New York City to California and 6,000 clients from across the globe. With approved Regional Centers located in the world’s most thriving metropolitans, USIF provides worthwhile opportunities for foreign investors and their families to obtain permanent U.S. residency through the EB-5 Program. Each year, the U.S. government allocates 10,000 visas for foreigners who invest through the Program. These initiatives enjoy full government support as they stimulate the economy, generate at least ten jobs per investment, and promote community development while providing access to green cards for foreign investors and their families.
Turn (new) contacts into profitable relationships.
JVM User Group
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim,Selamat datang di Grup Telegram @JVMUserGroup JVM Developer ID (Java Programmer ID) !
Grup ini merupakan ekspansi dari grup Komunitas JVM Developer ID (Forum Java Programmer Indonesia) di Facebook.
Silahkan berbagi pengalaman dan masalah seputar Java dan keluarganya (JVM, Scala, Kotlin, Clojure, JRuby & Jython).
Please add @TagAlertRobot as your friend. Then follow the given instructions.
Mohon memakai username dan foto supaya enak dipanggil (mention dan tag) dan enak dipandang mata tidak seperti ngobrol dengan robot.
Untuk Melihat Group Telegram yang lain cek ke sini --> https://github.com/hendisantika/List-All-Programming-Telegram-Group
Yang sedang mencari lowongan kerja sebagai Java Programmer / Developer silahkan join ke Channel ini :telegram.me/LokerDeveloper
Yg mw Ebook Kotlin mampir ke sini --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bz1sXr0fHcSSWWZWUW0zMUNqSGM
EBook Java Lengkap --> http://javadanphp.blogspot.co.id/2013/01/belajar-java-dasar-mahir-dengan-ebook.html
Notes : Untuk posting Loker silahkan japri admin.
Di sini kita sama-sama belajar tentang Java. Jangan sungkan untuk bertanya dan membuat diskusi baru :).
Tambahan: Dimohon untuk tidak menggunakan panggilan yang kurang bersahabat seperti suhu, gan, juragan, cung, kacung, dsb. Lebih baik menggunakan panggilan yang lebih sopan seperti mas, bang, om, pak, mbak, ibu, dll.
Nggak boleh pake istilah mastah, kecuali terkait sambel
Mohon untuk tidak Out of Topic (OOT).
Salam Kenal!
Admin : Hendi Santika - @hendisantika34
Millionaire Business School
The Millionaire Business School is a Street Smart Business School with the mission to create millionaires through business and property investment. Millionaires are ordinary people like you that take massive and extraordinary actions to succeed. All you need to have is an open mind to learn, a passionate desire to succeed, and the willingness to work really hard.
How will you benefit from the Millionaire Business School?• You will learn mind blowing business & property investment strategies that will help you become a millionaire.• You will learn tried and tested strategies that work and avoid the deadly mistakes in business and property investment.• You will learn how to create multiple streams of income from business and property investment.• You will be taught, coached and mentored by real millionaires that have been there, done it and achieved it.• You will be surrounded by millionaires and future millionaires that you can network with.