The Urban Technology Alliance (UTA) is a global organization providing city-scale testbeds from all around the world, to deploy, test and validate the latest smart city innovations. The UTA is providing trusted and neutral guidance to cities for their sustainable digital transformation, enabling them to face today’s economic, social and environmental challenges. The UTA is setting up a vibrant community including a complete smart city ecosystem composed of cities, industry, academy and non-profit organizations. UTA members will network, build partnerships, deploy and test concrete solutions in real-life environments and share best practice and success stories among members worldwide.
Church & State is a non-profit business incubator and entrepreneur center. Church & State’s mission is to elevate entrepreneurship in Utah by aligning public and private resources to inspire community innovation, stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and attract out-of-state businesses. Church & State offers a variety of resources for entrepreneurs and the local community, including mentorship, a curated speaker series, training workshops and spaces designed to foster creativity and collaboration. For more information on Church & State, contact Garrett Clark, Executive Director [garrett@cs1893.com // 801.330.4406].