Makers Insitute
We are First Coding Bootcamp in Bandung!
Makers Institute merupakan tempat belajar segala hal tentang dunia digital. Makers Institute membuka kesempatan bagi anak-anak muda yang memiliki passion untuk berkembang dan meraih sukses di tengah perkembangan industri IT dengan menyelenggarakan seminar, workshop, memberikan beasiswa dan jaminan pekerjaan.
Tidak perlu latar belakang IT, karena kami percaya semua orang dapat belajar pemrograman dan meraih sukses di dunia digital!
Be a Maker!
Price Action Guru Malaysia
Price Action Guru is a training and coaching provider focusing on foreign exchange enthusiast and practitioners. Located in Menara Sentral Vista Kuala Lumpur, we are the first established academy producing professional certificate that endorsed by UBIS Academy New Zealand. Visit our social media page and website at and
IDEAS - Int'l Data Engineering and Science Association
We are building an AI and Data Science community by providing robust resources and connecting industry experts together with business leaders, professionals, and promising students. Our vision is to foster the AI and Data Science ecosystems and broaden the adoption of their underlying technologies, thus accelerating the innovations data can bring to society.
We’re determined to connect and push forward the global AI and Data Science community through our national conferences, networking events,high-tech talent-training program, data science certification program and mentorship program. As in everything we do, we strive to act with honesty, openness, fairness and integrity. We will also emphasize training, embrace diversity and provide growth opportunities for our employees.
AASE associaton
The Applied and Advanced Science Exchange(AASE) is an active professional community and registered as a non-profit organization (NGO) in Japan. AASE has devoted itself to disseminate a variety of knowledge and worked with a vision to share the innovations in fields of academia by building up an international platform. Nowadays, interdisciplinary research is increasing and playing a key role. In our interdisciplinary joint conferences, participants are able to share their viewpoints from different perspectives and seek new collaborative opportunities across fields. Up to 2018, AASE has set up international offices in Japan, Hong Kong, South Korean and Taiwan, and host over 30 conferences in 12 cities world-wide.