Bespoke HR Solution and Services
Tezos Southeast Asia
Tezos Southeast Asia (“TSA”) is an independent non-profit organization based in Singaporededicated to promoting Tezos blockchain in Southeast Asia. Tezos is a world-leadingblockchain technology which offers a platform for smart contracts and decentralisedapplications. TSA seeks to empower individuals and entities within the region to create adecentralised digital commonwealth. TSA has dedicated itself to further develop the regionalTezos community and advance the project globally through education, R&D and partnerships.
Ladies, Wine and a bit of Design – Auckland
Dow Goodfolk hosts four evening conversations a year, at their design studio in Newton. Ladies working in any creative industry are invited to join Dow for wine, nibbles and casual conversation on a wide variety of topics related to creativity, business and life. Each event is limited to only 20 ladies.
Jessica Walsh started Ladies, Wine & Design in New York after doing a lot of thinking and reading on why there are so few female Creative Directors. She believes we can create change through mentorship and championing each others' work. As a female led creative company, Dow Goodfolk knows Auckland has more than it's fair share of exceptionally creative women and it is Dow's hope to bring us all together by answering Jessica's global call for open conversations on design with a drop of wine.