Berkeley Capital
FOR INDIVIDUALSLOOKING TO INVEST With our in-depth and extensive knowledge of Asia, we are well positioned to match investors with existing and upcoming projects and to make recommendations on the suitability and quality of each. Whether you are looking for possible acquisitions or to take a major or minor equity stake, we can advise and recommend the most suitable projects and companies. With our extensive network and relationships, Berkeley Capital also serves as a relationship broker to match companies with mutual needs and help them collaborate to achieve their differing but complementary goals. As the Asia specialists and with our wide contacts and relationships, we are able to make expert recommendations, arrange introductions and provide solutions for our clients. There are a wealth of projects around the region and world that are being initiated by, managed and partnered with Asian companies and state enterprises. With our wide network and business intelligence, we are often able to offer our clients early notice of these opportunities for possible investment opportunities.
Financials Beta
Business Model: Not Specified
Revenues: Not Specified
Expenses: Not Specified
Debt: Request
Operating Status: Active
Funding Raised: $0
Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds
Funding Stage: Not Specified
Last Funding Date: Not Specified