Advisors' Clique (AC)

Advisors’ Clique (AC) is a group of financial consultants representing Great Eastern Financial Advisers Private Limited (GEFA). GEFA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Eastern Holdings Pte Ltd, a member of the OCBC Group.
About Advisors' Clique (AC)
In 2011 a consultative exercise involving all consultants was undertaken to establish what AC stood for, beyond the original thinking of its founders. This helped define a new collective vision which bound the team closer together, and renewed a service pledge to their clients.
With many new associates coming on board in the last 5 years, it has once again became evident that the desire "to leave a legacy by paying it forward" was prevalent.
“Thinking In Your Best Interest” is an important value which continuously guides the organisation in giving quality financial advice to their clients. This is reflected in the number of AC associates qualifying for the coveted Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) recognition as well as the prestigious Great Eastern Achievers’ Club award.
Founders & Key People
Financials Beta
Business Model: Not Specified
Revenues: Not Specified
Expenses: Not Specified
Debt: Request
Operating Status: Active
Funding Raised: $0
Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds
Funding Stage: Not Specified
Last Funding Date: Not Specified