
Tenzing Capital

B2B SaaS and FinTech venture capital fund. 

Company Size

1 - 5 People

Year Founded


Verified Investor


Funding Stages

Focus Markets

Lead Investor


About Tenzing Capital

Tenzing Capital is an institutional venture capital firm focused on early-stage investments.  We invest in pre-seed through series A rounds in US-based B2B SaaS and FinTech companies.  We write $100k-$250k checks and will selectively lead a few rounds.

What we bring:

We participate in syndicated deals with trusted co-investors and will also lead deals. Along with our LP's, we bring:

  • customer connections for go-to-market acceleration

  • experience to shorten cycle times on operational challenges 

  • networks to aid in hiring

  • relationships with syndicates, funds, Corporate Venture groups, and potential strategic partners

  • empathy for the Founder's Journey

Financials Beta

Business Model: Not Specified

Revenues: Not Specified

Expenses: Not Specified

Debt: Request

Operating Status: Active

Funding Raised: $0

Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds

Funding Stage: Not Specified

Last Funding Date: Not Specified

Frequently Asked Questions

What industry is Tenzing Capital in?

Tenzing Capital is in the Venture Capital & Private Equity industry.

Is Tenzing Capital an investment company or fund?

Yes, Tenzing Capital is an investment firm in the Venture Capital / Private Equity space.

How long has Tenzing Capital been in business?

Tenzing Capital was established in 2021 (3 years in business).

Is Tenzing Capital currently hiring?

No, Tenzing Capital is currently not hiring.

Visit Tenzing Capital's Jobs Page to stay updated with any upcoming open positions.

Which country is Tenzing Capital headquartered in?

Tenzing Capital is based in United States.

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