Company Size
6 - 10 employees
Year Founded
About Cambium Capital Management
The computing power we hold today in the palm of our hands exceeds what most believed possible when the first microprocessors were built 50 years ago. Despite this incredible progress, a material gap has developed in the past decade between the expected improvements from Moore’s Law and current capabilities for computing power. This gap will only widen as traditional semiconductor manufacturing technology approaches fundamental limits.
The deceleration of improvements in classical computing hardware is happening exactly when demand for computing power is exploding, driven by traditional industry and emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, personalized medicine, and smart cities. Data centers, smart edge devices, robots, and factories all need continued advancements in semiconductors, memory, interconnects, sensors, and low-level software that consume less energy and produce less heat. None of this can be realized without new computing paradigms.
Financials Beta
Business Model: Not Specified
Revenues: Not Specified
Expenses: Not Specified
Debt: Request
Operating Status: Active
Funding Raised: $0
Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds
Funding Stage: Not Specified
Last Funding Date: Not Specified