91springboard is a coworking community of freelancers, startups and established small to large businesses. We are dedicated to making work-life easy and fun for startups and entrepreneurs while playing an integral role in helping them grow. A hude and integral part of what we also do, are our events. They serve as a platform for startups and entrepreneurs to learn, make connections and help fellow community members. Some of our flagship events are: Mentor hours: one-on-one sessions with industry experts. Startup Open house: Demo sessions for product unveiling and feedback as well as networking. Reverse Pitch: investors pitching to entrepreneurs. Big bad startup bash: Mixer with fellow ecosystem players in respective cities. Hackathons, workshops, Partnered events.
Financials Beta
Business Model: Not Specified
Revenues: Not Specified
Expenses: Not Specified
Debt: Request
Operating Status: Active
Funding Raised: $0
Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds
Funding Stage: Not Specified
Last Funding Date: Not Specified