After escaping a distant prison planet and becoming Starfleet cadets under the watchful eye of Star Trek Voyager's Admiral Janeway (voiced by the venerable Kate Mulgrew), the ragtag crew—led by aspiring captain Dal R'El and bolstered by astrolinguist Gwyndala, engineer Jankom Pog, energy being Zero, scientist Rok-Tahk, and indestructible, gelatinous Murf—find themselves cast through time on the most dangerous mission of their young lives.
As dark and violent as you'd expect given the period and the themes of betrayal and vengeance, Kleo is lightened by its oft-deranged sense of humor and a charismatic lead duo who brilliantly bounce off one another—chemistry that's only heightened in the second season as Kleo's pursuit of her old allies intensifies, attracting attention from international spy agencies in the aftermath of the Cold War.
In the long-awaited third season, things heat up between the central couple, with Charlie (Joe Locke) preparing to say three little words to Nick (Kit Connor) for the first time, while Elle (Yasmin Finney) and Tao (William Gao) try to have the perfect romantic summer before Elle starts art college.
The story "The 46 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now (January 2025)" has 7175 words across 240 sentences, which will take approximately 30 - 60 minutes for the average person to read.
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The story "The 46 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now (January 2025)" was covered 6 days ago by Wired, a news publisher based in United States.
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Wired is a fully independent (privately-owned) news outlet established in 1993 that covers mostly technology and economy news.
The outlet is headquartered in United States and publishes an average of 16 news stories per day.
It's most recent story was published 9 hours ago.
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