The 30-share Sensex shed 720.60 points or 0.90 per cent to settle at 79,223.11, while the NSE Nifty50 settled in the red at 24,004.75, with a loss of 183.90 points or 0.76 per cent. Broader markets mirrored the benchmarks as the Nifty Midcap 100 and Nifty Smallcap 100 indices ended lower by 0.30 per cent and 0.24 per cent, respectively.
The AUM growth rate of 39.4 per cent is the highest recorded in at least the last decade. For instance, the defence ministry’s focus on modernisation, new technologies, and exports, along with the concentration of orders in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2024-25 and long-term growth opportunities from indigenisation, are expected to strengthen the revenue and earnings potential of India’s defence sector.
The Bank Nifty index shed as many as 616 points to settle at 50,988.80, dragged by HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank, which ended lower by 2.53 per cent and 1.94 per cent, respectively. Among others, the Nifty FMCG, Media, Metal, PSU Bank, and OMC indices ended higher by up to 1.26 per cent.
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The story "Stock Market LIVE Updates: GIFT Nifty signals mildly higher open for India; Asia markets mixed" was covered 1 days ago by Business Standard, a news publisher based in India.
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