LAS VEGAS – South Korea’s top home appliance maker LG Electronics Inc.has thrown down the gauntlet to frontrunners in an AI robot race by developing its original humanoid robots.“Robots are certainly the future of mankind,” LG Electronics Chief Executive Cho Joo-wan said on Wednesday at a press event on the sidelines of CES 2025 in Las Vegas.“(LG Electronics) is developing humanoid robots for home, the center of a robot race.” LG Electronics has been in the robotics business, offering service robots such as LG CLOi ServeBot and GuideBot, which are mainly wheeled robots with limited movement and dexterity.
In 2024, LG Electronics is estimated to have earned 2 trillion won in appliance subscription sales, up 75% from the prior year, and more than 1 trillion won in webOS-based ad and content sales.“Care services, which are repair and parts replacement services, lie at the center of the subscription business,” said Cho, adding that the company will foster its appliance care service capability with the company’s about 5,000 care service providers.
LG Electronics plans to roll out its AI agent, codenamed Q9, which will serve as the foundation model for its humanoid robot, later this year after its beta test in February and March.“The company is researching technologies essential in developing humanoids, such as hand gestures and gait, based on the cognitive and articulation technologies adopted in Q9,” explained Kim Byung-hoon, vice president and chief technology officer (CTO) of LG Electronics.
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The story "LG Electronics bets big on humanoid robots: CEO Cho" was covered 14 hours ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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