Since the launch of its first version in May 2020, Planfit has recorded more than 2 million downloads as of late last year, and 40% of its revenue comes from foreign countries, according to the company.“The US takes the lion’s share (of global sales),” Baek Hyeonwoo, Planfit’s chief executive officer and co-founder, said in a written interview with The Korea Economic Daily.“Users and revenue from overseas markets have rapidly grown thanks to regular app updates with AI enhancement catering to international users.” The Korean fitness app was featured as the App of the Day in 114 countries on Apple’s App Store, the company said.“We plan to expand the presence (of Planfit) across the globe, especially Asia and Europe, this year,” said Baek.
Now Planfit hopes to bring more users from Asia and Europe, the CEO said.“Competition in (the AI-backed fitness app) market will intensify further in line with an acceleration in technology development,” said Baek.“It is important to take the lead in the market by developing a better product faster than our peers and aggressively expanding into other markets.” “Our goal is to help our members easily maintain their training for longer periods,” added the Planfit CEO.
Planfit developed by Planfit Inc.offers its users personalized workout plans designed by AI, personal workout records and communities where users share their workout experiences and encourage each other.
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The story "Korea's No. 1 fitness app Planfit eyes bigger market beyond home in 2025" was covered 5 days ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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