Many domestic activist funds this year plan to continue existing campaigns launched in 2024, though some activist investors have decided to ease up on new actions, the sources said.“Last year, many thought it would be difficult to talk to companies without taking surprise actions at regular shareholders’ meetings,” said a local activist fund source.“However, the government’s value-up program justified shareholder activism and allowed us to communicate easily with companies even though we did not take action at those meetings.”Local activist investors usually launched campaigns before the general shareholder meeting period in pursuit of higher shareholder value, better corporate governance and other purposes.
TO STEP UP EXISTING CAMPAIGNSLocal activist investors aim to step up existing campaigns by maintaining their actions toward targeted companies throughout the year, sources said.“In the past, we just had to defend against activist investors for the three months before general shareholder meetings,” said a source at a listed company.
"Now, we need to stay alert throughout the year as many activist funds take offensive actions year round.”Activist investors’ demands during the annual general meeting period in March may fail to draw interest, however, given that other shareholders usually ask companies to take steps for higher shareholder returns, better governance and more, sources said.
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The story "Korean activist investors to routinize campaigns throughout year" was covered 6 days ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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