Q4 2024 revenue / Division (€m)2023Reported basis2024Reported basisChange /Reported basisOf which external growthOf which Ségur 2024Of which Ségur 2023Like-for-like change(organic growth)Pharmagest42. Link8. 0.1- -0.3-10.1%Medical Solutions2.22.20.0-0.9% 0.1-0.10.0-2.1%Fintech0.60.5-0.1-11.6% -0.1-11.6%Total57. 2024 revenue highlights by type of business2023Reported basis 2024Reported basisChange / Reported basisSale of configurations and hardware23. maintenance and professional training services19.820.40.63.1%Software solutions and subscriptions13. services (including intermediation) In a year marked by political instability, particularly in France, configuration and equipment sales were again heavily impacted on a full-year basis (-7.9%).
Villers-lès-Nancy, 6 February 2025 - 6:00 p.m.(CET) PRESS RELEASE 2024 annual revenue: €216.8 million including €58.6 million in Q4 (+2.6% on a reported basis and -0.4% like-for-like) Revenue (€&)2023Reported basis2024Reported basisChange /Reported basisOf which external growthOf which Ségur1 2024Of which Ségur 2023Like-for-like change(organic growth)Q156.253.3-2.9-5.2%2.00.3-1.4-3.8-6.7%Q256.454.7-1.7-3.0%1.70.3-1.2-2.6-4.6%Q350.*)-3.0-1.4%7.21.1-3.2-8.2-3.7% (*) unaudited Note: Acquisitions in 2023 and 2024 (Atoopharm, Speach2Sense, Pratilog, ADV in Germany - now Pharmagest Germany) and Digipharmacie) have been restated in the scope of consolidation.
FY revenue for the 12 month period ending 31 December 2024 / Activities (€m)2023Reported basis2024Reported basisChange / Reported basisSale of configurations and hardware93.586.1-7.4-7.9%Scalable maintenance and professional training services78. solutions and subscriptions45.446.81.43.0%Other services (including intermediation) In Q4 2024 alone, Equasens Group registered sales of €58.6m, up 2.6% on a reported basis at 31 December 2023 (-0.4% like-for-like).
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