The vision artificial intelligence-powered service enables the automated recording, clipping and editing of highlighted gaming moments in about a minute so gamers can share such edited gameplay with fellow gamers on the app.“Discord is a popular gaming messenger program, which enables game players to chat in real-time,” said Jo.“But there is no dominant social media-like platform where gamers can share their gaming experiences … and I expect such a market, where gamers can share their gameplay, will grow rapidly.”DOR has the upper hand against its rivals in a race to lead the gaming social media market after its successful debut in Korea, one of the world’s most vibrant e-sport markets.
The recorded in-game moments will be saved on a local PC, which can be edited on DOR to share on the app, explained Jo, adding that it is like sharing photos to Instagram.“DOR enables its users to edit their in-game moments with various effects like sound and virtual reality experience in only about a minute unlike conventional editing solutions that require several hours to add sound and visual effects,” said Jo.“We are making gaming easier and more exciting.”SEVEN GAMES AVAILABLE DOR's service is offered in two versions – a free one for casual gamers and a monthly paid subscription service with advanced features for content creators.
More than 30 million people have played video games in Korea, of which more than 4 million people have played “League of Legends.” About 3 billion people from around the world are considered active video gamers, and their numbers rise 5% on-year every year, according to the DOR CEO.“A long time ago, I once played a video game with Faker, who is like the (Lionel) Messi of the gaming world.
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The story "DOR sets sights on TikTok-like virtual world for gamers " was covered 7 hours ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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