The young soldier who penned the passage about the drone died in a firefight alongside two other compatriots, according to Ukraine’s special forces.“Even at the cost of my life, I will carry out the Supreme Commander’s orders without hesitation,” reads one entry from the diary.“I will show the world the bravery and sacrifice of Kim Jong Un’s special forces.” The roughly 12,000 North Korean soldiers who arrived in Russia’s Kursk region last October were kept from the front lines for months, digging trenches and offering logistical support.
About 30% of North Korea’s dispatched troops appear to have already been deployed for front-line fighting, with the rest undergoing training or waiting to be rotated in, according to Doo Jin-ho, a senior analyst at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul.“The North Koreans are contributing so that the border isn’t breached and freeing up Russian soldiers to search for breakthroughs in other regions,” Doo said.
The grisly tactics were divulged in a diary taken off a slain North Korean soldier on Dec.21, with passages containing mundane details of life at the front, descriptions of combat tactics and expressions of love for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to excerpts recently made public by Ukraine’s special-operations forces.
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The story "Diary of a Dead North Korean Soldier Reveals Grisly Battlefield Tactics" was covered 7 hours ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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