Hardia also pointed to GST-related measures."Reducing the 18% GST on home loan insurance, lowering GST rates on construction materials like cement (currently at 28%) and steel (18%), or removing GST on residential property purchases altogether would make housing more affordable," he explained.
Interest rate subventions: Offering government-backed interest rate reductions for loans within a specific range, such as Rs 25-Rs 50 lakh, would directly lower EMIs."While these measures could make a tangible difference, their implementation depends on balancing fiscal discipline with economic growth," Shetty said.
Gupta also pitched in, saying that while a repo rate cut later in 2025 could provide the needed boost for buyers and developers, current inflationary pressures may delay such relief."Until then, borrowers should focus on managing their EMIs and staying prepared for market shifts," he said.
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The story "Budget 2025: Will home loan relief become a reality? Experts weigh in" was covered 13 hours ago by Business Standard, a news publisher based in India.
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