7 Reasons Why You Won’t Hit Your Goals in 2017

Unless you are repeating some of the same actions and patterns you have been in previous years, then you won’t get very far with your goals


25 Jul, 2017

7 Reasons Why You Won’t Hit Your Goals in 2017 | BEAMSTART News

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It’s easy to get excited about the New Year and to have all of these goals in mind about how we are going to live better, get things done and achieve some BADASS GOALS...

We feel good about making 2017 better than the last but a part of us isn’t quite sure how it’s all going to unfold. The big beautiful idea to kick some ass in the new year sounds amazing, but unless you are repeating some of the same actions and patterns you have been in previous years, then you won’t get very far with your goals... and that’s just the honest and BRUTAL TRUTH.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. - Henry Ford

Here are 7 Reasons Why You Won’t Hit Your Goals in 2017:

(1) You continue to spend time with people who do not add value to your life.

If you didn’t know it then, you know it now: You become the 5 people you spend the most time with. When you look at all the hours in the week, ask yourself how many of those hours are spent with people that don’t have goals, are not excited about pursuing much, or spend a lot of time complaining about their lives.

If you really want to step up your game this year, you definitely want to consider cutting your time with those people who do not compliment your energy or your ambitions in life.

This might mean that you are left with one friend (or 0 friends), but hey, maybe it’s time to find a new tribe? You can start by joining a group of #badassladyboss’ in the Private Collective: Click here to join for free!

“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

(2) You press snooze when you know it’s time to RISE & GRIND

Admit it - we are only 2 weeks into 2017 and you’re already dragging your feet. Every time you press SNOOZE, you are less likely to achieve what you want to in the day. Instead, you start to think of all the things that you don’t like about your biz - and before you know it, you’ve wasted almost an hour on waking up and getting out of bed.

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Chances are, you are not focused on your daily goals and what needs to be done in order to achieve the BIG DREAM. You cannot have A BIG DREAM, without a DAILY ACTION PLAN to get there. Often times, waking up can be a drag because you simply have no clue what needs to be done that day. This is why you press SNOOZE, this is why you are wasting your day feeling unmotivated and uninspired.

(3) You make excuses WHY you can’t do “this,” go “there”, have “that,” when it comes to doing things that you know will help you grow your biz

An opportunity comes up and you are in the position to take it - the dates work, you have the knowledge, you have the funds... but, for some reason, you’re making excuses as to why it can’t be done.

For example, that networking event that you learned about - you know very well that you can make it and that there’s a chance you can make great connections, but for whatever reason, you would rather not... you have an excuse.

There will be many opportunities, some not so obvious, for you to step into your powers and grow your biz, but you are still living in fear, doubt and lack of self-confidence. You come up with all the reasons why you should say no, but not once have you thought about why you should say YES.

Fear, doubt and lack of self-confidence are all recipes for complacency and self-destruction. Ask yourself if LIVING YOUR DREAM is worth it? If you really want to HIT THAT GOAL that you set out to achieve in the beginning of the year. Ask yourself if you want to live a better, more prosperous and passionate life?

Make 2017 the YEAR OF YES - and just jump head first into the unknown.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. ― Jordan Belfort

(4) You won’t take the time to write down your goals

If you’ve never heard about the power of writing down your goals, then you’re excused. However, if you already know that you should be writing down your goals as a business owner and entrepreneur, but you haven’t taken the time to do so, you are only sabotaging yourself in the big picture. Writing down your goals make your goals REAL and attainable. When you do not set goals on paper and everything you want to achieve exists in thin air, you’re less likely to be your best self on a daily basis because you aren’t entirely confident about what needs to be done to hit your goals.

Admit it, you’re LAZY, you’re NOT serious about making progress and you think that doing things YOUR WAY is the best way to go. I read a lot of biographies on successful people and the common denominator on their success always started with writing down their goals.

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Maybe it’s time to give your head a shake and take out a pen and paper and get to writing?

(Side note: When you write down your goals, set a DEADLINE, for crying out loud! The difference between a dream and a goal is A DATE. Then, get to work!)

(5) You spend too much time on social media, comparing yourself to everyone else, when you should be getting work done

We are all guilty of doing this from time to time. We wake up, hop onto social media - then, scroll, scroll, scroll... waste 20 minutes in the morning looking at photos, reading statuses, and before we know it, we are caught in the vicious cycle of comparing ourselves to strangers we know very little about.

There goes our energy for the rest of the day. Womp womp...

One of the things I have set out to do for myself in 2017, is to wake up feeling VIBRANT + FULL OF LIFE. Instead of spending any time on social media (especially first thing in the morning), I turn on my fave Podcast or do a quick 5-minute meditation and focus on my personal GOALS & DREAMS, and what my intentions are for the day.

Save yourself from the heartache, the mind-fcuk, the negative self-talk and find some other way to start your mornings. If you catch yourself doing this mid-day, replace it with something more positive and I guarantee, you will not only get more done, you will produce better work!

“The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”

(6) You have no plans of doing any personal development

If you want to develop the courage, the skill or the mindset of a successful business owner, then you need to invest in developing yourself.

If you want the knowledge, the confidence and the THICK SKIN we all need to build a thriving business, then we HAVE TO invest in personal development.

What are some of the things you can do to be the better version of yourself in 2017?

1) Hire a business coach

2) Listen to inspirational and motivational podcasts/audiobooks

3) Take time out everyday to read a book that teaches you something about yourself - a biography on someone you admire, books on self-help, books about success, etc.

Related: You can now raise money on BEAM

4) Meditation. Believe it or not, you can learn a lot about yourself in moments of silence. Find out how to meditate and uncover a brand new you!

5) Join a workshop or take a course that is dedicated to uncovering more about yourself or developing new skills

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” - Lao Tzu

(7) You simply don’t believe you are worthy of your goals.

We must believe that we are capable of achieving what our heart’s desire. We may not have figured out HOW we will get there, but the act of believing makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. When we play small and constantly tell ourselves all the reasons why it won’t work out, we are less likely to take ACTION on building our dream life and business.

Spend some time writing down affirmations and make the decision to remind yourself of these affirmations, daily:





These are perfect examples of how you can start to believe your own worthiness. After all, we only have one life to live... choose to make it the MOST EPIC, MOST FULFILLING LIFE you have ever lived. Starting today, choose not to have any regrets. Imagine what it would be like to look back on 2017 and to think to yourself...



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