Here are few key elements to be mindful of when creating a website:
SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on the site enables organic ranking on search engines such as Google, Yahoo & etc. Free traffics from the global search. Amazing!
Graphic Design
Study your users / customers well. Know what they'd love to see. What's beauty in their eyes? It'd be best if you carried the avatar of your customers.
UI/UX Design
How easy to move around within your site? How functional is your site? Did customers find what they wanted to find?
Important Information
Enough information to build trust with customers the moment they check you and your company out.
Call to Action
Anything you want them to do before leaving your site? Put it there reasonably.
Great Domain
How easy & short? Can be remembered easily? SEO-able? Key-word friendly?
Make it alive! Your customers are interacting with you there!