It's difficult to define culture. Culture is something that can not be seen, but it greatly affects us. We feel it through the physical exhibitions in the workplace.
Here are some elements to build a great company culture:
Hiring the right people
It has to be right starting from the beginning. Technical expertise can be trained. We prefer people who are able to easily adapt to the work culture. Therefore, hiring process becomes very important here.
Strike a balance between formal and informal
In order to avoid people working like machines in the company, company culture does not always need to be formal, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The key is to strike the right balance between formal and informal activities.
Take small steps
People in general, are susceptible to changes, it's is critical to bring that change gradually when introducing a new culture, even switching to a new tool, moving slow is the key.
Monitor the change
What is their feedback? How the team is reacting to it? Monitoring helps to figure out whether we are on the right track.
Create your own culture
Do not be a copycat! Every company is different, blindly following the footsteps of other companies is not going to be a good idea. Be smart enough to create our own company culture according to our team.