
Kalam Labs

Kids Space App 

Company Size

6 - 10 People

Year Founded


About Kalam Labs

Kalam Labs is India's First Kids Space Organization.
We are creating a place where kids take part in actual ambitious space missions.

The Missions are done with India's Top Space Organizations:

- Unfurling India's Flag in Space with Hrithik Roshan
- Building a Stratospheric Retrieval Drone with IIT-Kanpur
- Building a Navigable Balloon TIFR

Kids get to work on these missions at their home by our Kalam Labs-Space Kits and by playing our Kalam Labs app.

Latest Jobs

ML Engineer


Full Time

$20 - $35000 yearly

3D Modeller


Full Time

$12000 - $15000 yearly

Financials Beta

Business Model: Not Specified

Revenues: Not Specified

Expenses: Not Specified

Debt: Request

Operating Status: Active

Funding Raised: $0

Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds

Funding Stage: Not Specified

Last Funding Date: Not Specified

Frequently Asked Questions

What industry is Kalam Labs in?

Kalam Labs is in the Aerospace, Education, and Software/Internet industry.

How long has Kalam Labs been in business?

Kalam Labs was established in 2021 (3 years in business).

Is Kalam Labs currently hiring?

Yes, Kalam Labs is currently hiring for 2 job positions.

Visit Kalam Labs's Jobs Page to view a list of all open positions.

Which country is Kalam Labs headquartered in?

Kalam Labs is based in India.

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