

Prescribe helps doctor's offices in India run their business online. 


Company Size

6 - 10 People

Year Founded


About Yara

Nirva is an evidence-based, traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) brand offering treatment programs for chronic conditions in the US and the UK.
Our approach combines natural, holistic, side-effect-free methods, including personalized diets, one-on-one yoga, health coaching, and supplements designed by experts trained in traditional and modern medicine.

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Founders & Key People

Nived Narayanan

Nived Narayanan

Co-founder of Yara

Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar

Co-founder of Yara

Sreeshyam C

Sreeshyam C

Co-founder of Yara

Financials Beta

Business Model: Not Specified

Revenues: Not Specified

Expenses: Not Specified

Debt: Request

Operating Status: Active

Funding Raised: $0

Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds

Funding Stage: Not Specified

Last Funding Date: Not Specified

Frequently Asked Questions

What industry is Yara in?

Yara is in the Healthcare and Software as a Service (SaaS) industry.

Who are Yara's founders and individuals in key leadership positions?

Yara has 3 founders and people in key management positions. They are:
  • Nived Narayanan
  • Amit Kumar
  • Sreeshyam C
  • How long has Yara been in business?

    Yara was established in 2019 (5 years in business).

    Is Yara currently hiring?

    Yes, Yara is currently hiring for 1 job positions.

    Visit Yara's Jobs Page to view a list of all open positions.

    Which country is Yara headquartered in?

    Yara is based in India.

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