Through its latest deal with Samsung, the biotech startup is expected to expand its production using domestic facilities, industry officials said.“Through aggressive R&D investment, we aim to build more than 15 clinical pipelines within the next five years,” said LigaChem Chief Executive Kim Yong-zu.“We will closely work with Samsung to develop new drugs.” SAMSUNG’S ADC PROJECTSLast year, Samsung Biologics completed a dedicated ADC production plant in Songdo, Incheon – a four-story building with a 500-liter conjugation reactor and one purification line.“We are happy to work with LigaChem to provide high-quality ADC therapeutics to patients,” said John Rim, chief executive of Samsung Biologics.
Samsung Biologics Co., the world’s largest contract drugmaker, said on Thursday it has signed an initial agreement with LigaChem Biosciences Inc., a South Korean biotech startup, to jointly develop and produce antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) products.
CLOSER TIES BETWEEN SAMSUNG, LIGACHEM BIOThe memorandum of understanding on their ADC collaboration comes after Samsung last year signed a contract development (CDO) agreement and a material transfer agreement (MTA) with LigaChem, formerly known as LegoChem Biosciences.
The story "Samsung Biologics signs initial deal with LigaChem Bio on ADC production" has 439 words across 24 sentences, which will take approximately 2 - 4 minutes for the average person to read.
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The story "Samsung Biologics signs initial deal with LigaChem Bio on ADC production" was covered 6 days ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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Korea Economic Daily is a fully independent (privately-owned) news outlet established in 1964 that covers mostly economy news.
The outlet is headquartered in South Korea and publishes an average of 7 news stories per day.
It's most recent story was published 3 hours ago.
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