When there are no crises, we risk becoming complacent with optimism, which can be more dangerous than any external threat,” the chairman of South Korea’s top automaker said in his New Year’s message at the auto group’s New Year’s gathering at Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang, north of Seoul.“We have always faced crises and overcome them brilliantly, emerging even stronger in the process,” he said.“Terms like perfect storm should heighten our alertness and strengthen our resolve, not push us into defensive postures that neglect innovation.” TRUMP, EV CHASM, CHINAChairman Chung’s strong call to act boldly when meeting challenges comes as Hyundai Motor Co.and its affiliate Kia Corp.brace for a tumultuous future in their US operations, particularly due to the market uncertainty surrounding Donald Trump’s return to the White House and Chinese automakers’ aggressive marketing initiatives.
Regarding US EV policy under Trump, Muñoz said he doesn't want to speculate whether benefits will stay or go, saying, “That's something I can't control.”The CEO said, however, that he’s confident the group can “find a way as always.”In dealing with challenges, he said Hyundai Motor will leverage its strategic partnerships with US partners, including General Motors Co.and WayMo LLC.
FIRST FOREIGN CEOThe chairman said the appointment of Hyundai Motor’s first foreign CEO, José Muñoz, represents the automotive group's commitment to innovation.“We will create an environment where anyone with talent, regardless of nationality, gender, education or tenure, can become a leader and fully realize their potential through creativity and passion,” he said.
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The story "Hyundai's Chung urges guarding against pessimism in ‘perfect storm’" was covered 4 days ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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