HomeJobsFull Time

Founding Software Engineer

Kula LogoKula

Date Posted

08 Jan, 2024

Work Location

United States

Salary Offered

$70000 — $200000 yearly

Job Type

Full Time

Experience Required

No experience required

Remote Work

Not Allowed

Stock Options



1 available

🚀 Apply now | 👋 Who is Kula? | 🧐 You | 🔥 Role | 🎤Process | 💵 Referrals

👋 Who is Kula and what do we do?

Hey! We're Kula, the AI sales team for busy professionals. We believe AI will soon replace human salespeople, and we're working hard to build that future.

Our growth rate has rocketed up (reach out for specific numbers). We're now hiring to keep up with demand.

Kula is being built by a team of MIT, IIT, Cambridge and Oxford grads, backed by some of the best investors in the world, including Y CombinatorEntrepreneur FirstAcequia Capital and angel investors behind companies like IroncladOpenSea and Stripe.

🧐 Who exactly are we looking for?

We’ve seen more growth than we can handle over the past 3 months and are looking for some amazing outstanding engineers to help us build and scale to meet demand! This is an exciting opportunity to join probably one of the fast-growing startup in the world right now (reach out for numbers) and work directly with the founders, potentially taking a leadership position down the line.

You'd be a great fit if you're:

🧗 Ambitious

You're someone who wants to grow fast in their career and can scale with Kula.

Daniel deployed smart contracts that stored >1B$ in value

🧠 Smart

You explore new creative ways of doing things, have strong opinions and are willing to change them.

Kula consists of Cambridge, Oxford, MIT and IIT graduates who have scaled systems to 5,000,000 active users and patented machine learning algorithms

🎯 Product Focused

You love solving customer problems whether using the latest tech or just an e-mail

Bilsay decided to re-build our entire WebApp in just a couple weeks based on customer frustrations

📈 A Learner

You don't need decades of experience, we're looking for people who love learning fast!

Smith joined Kula before he’d even graduated and hadn’t coded in Python in years, but within a month he single-handedly created the system which is now the most important service at Kula

💻 Our Current Stack:

  • React + Typescript
  • Python (FastAPI)
  • Postgres DB
  • Terraform
  • AWS

📢 But we're language agnostic! If you're a great developer we'd love to have you onboard, regardless of your prior experience!

🔥 So what will I do?

As an engineer you will be working directly with our CTO, you'll create and iterate on technical projects:

  • Design & build core features for Kula's Web App and backend services
  • Ideate on new features for the product
  • Make architectural decisions to help Kula scale
  • Write sustainable, testable, high-quality, high-performance code.
  • Collaborate with teammates through planning, pair programming, code review, and testing.

If you want we'd also love to involve you in hiring, management and whatever other early startup operations you're interested in!

You will be working directly with Saaras, our CTO

💵 Referrals!

📢 Know someone who might be a great fit? Refer them to Kula and get $2000!

Just ask them to apply here!

About Kula

Kula Logo

Replacing 20 Million Salespeople With AI

Company Size: 11 - 50 People
Year Founded: 2021


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